Kako bi vam omogućili bolje korisničko iskustvo, ova stranica pohranjuje vaše kolačiće (cookies). Više informacija
Tehnologije & rješenja
A fun and absurd introduction to Vector Databases (212)
Alexander Chatzizacharias - JDriven
Dvorana A
Trajanje: 45'
Arhitektura kolaborativnih sistema u oblaku (110)
Vuk Marković - EPAM
Cloud-native razvoj: što sve može OpenShift Part 1 (111-1)
Radoslav Lešić - King ICT
Hrvoje Rudeš - KING ICT
Jasmin Štrkonjić - KING ICT
Cloud-native razvoj: što sve može OpenShift Part 2 (111-2)
Metodologije i alati
CRaCking the Cold Start (204)
Wojciech Gawroński - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Dvorana C
Creating Spring Boot Native Images with help of GraalVM Tracing Agent (407)
Matej Nedić - IBM
Dvorana D
Best Practicies & Success Stories
Data delivery and orchestration at Foursquare scale - good and bad practices, and lessons learned (307)
Dusan Zamurovic - Foursquare Labs, Inc.
Trendovi, budućnosti & zajednica
Developer vs. AI - Viđenje sa developerske strane (202)
Dubravko Bogović - Newfire Global Partners d.o.o.
Dvorana B
DevOps za bazu - Liquibase i Flyway (412)
Zlatko Gudasić - Karlovačka banka d.d.
DHMZ Centralna Integracijska Platforma - CIP (402)
Igor Karuza - IGEA d.o.o.
Elevate The Cloud Game: Unveil the power of AWS Cost Optimization for business growth (311)
Aleksandar Stoisavljević - NovaCode d.o.o./Jatheon
Fast-Track to Production: Lightning-Quick delivery with these proven automation tools (210)
Erwin Manders - Rabobank
Web & Mobile
Flame: Building games with Flutter (309)
Zoran Čavužić - Asseco SEE d.o.o.
From Great Code and Features to Even Better Community – HUJAK #Java Community Keynote (102)
Branko Mihaljević - HUJAK
Aleksander Radovan - HUJAK
Harness the Power of a Single Database for Microservices (211)
Franck Pachot - Yugabyte
High Availability, Software and People Factors. (312)
Pieter de Visser - PDVBV
Keynote Speech
How sand and Java are used to create the world’s most powerful chips (K03)
Johan Janssen - ASML
Infrastruktura kao Java kôd (208)
Miljen Stanković - LIBUSOFT CICOM d.o.o.
Integracijsko testiranje pod staklenim zvonom (406)
Is Event-Driven: A Viable Alternative for Troubled Microservices and Monoliths? (209)
Hugh Mckee - Lightbend
Java i Prolog: Ima neka (polu)tajna veza (301)
Zlatko Sirotić - ISTRA TECH d.o.o.
Java logging with Loki and Grafana (201)
Marin Kalapać - Trilix d.o.o.
Java's Hidden Gems: Tools and Libraries (207)
Kako smo implementirali Scrum? (408)
Natalia Jalušić - Emil Frey Digital d.o.o
Like a Swiss watch: what to get right for successful B2B software (K04)
Eike Schmidt - Adcubum AG
Magic of Automation and Everyday Chores (109)
Jamie Coleman - Sonatype
Major Migrations Made Easy (308)
Tim te Beek - Moderne
Micro Minds: Event-Driven Services Modeled as Neural Synaptic Networks (101)
Od web do mobilne aplikacije s novim modernim pristupom (404)
Maja Dinjar - Ericsson Nikola Tesla
Ana Grguric - Ericsson Nikola Tesla
Održavanje koda - prakticiranje umjetnosti refaktoriranja (303)
Martin Blažević - Leapwise
Osnaživanje vaših podataka uz ChatGPT (203)
Eugen Božić - AVL AST d.o.o.
Otvaranje konferencije (K01)
Davor Ranković - HrOUG & JavaCro
Trajanje: 20'
Principles of Effective Developers (107)
Sebastian Daschner - Sebastian Daschner
Principles of Effective Developers Part 2 (107-2)
Programiranje i robotika u radu s djecom (401)
Ivan Bosnić - MIPS d.o.o.
Razvoj mikroservisa u Kotlinu (Ktor) (310)
Ivan Sokol - HT
Re-definiramo RAD (306)
Saša Ivičević - Serengeti d.o.o.
REST vs. GraphQL vs. gRPC – Which API to Choose? (205)
Daniel Strmečki - IBM iX
Dominik Lacković - IBM iX
Security: An inconventient truth (403)
Tom Hoeken - group9
Selenium AI - Selenium, WireMock i ChatGPT (302)
Sanjin Kurelić - RIWARE DEVELOPMENT d.o.o.
Radionice i treninzi
Serverless Java AWS GameDay Part 1 (501-1)
Melina Schweizer - AWS
Dvorana E
Serverless Java AWS GameDay Part 2 (501-2)
Serverless Java AWS GameDay Part 3 (501-3)
Serverless Java AWS GameDay Part 4 (501-4)
Spring Boot 3 is here; where are you? Part 1 (505-1)
Spring Boot 3 is here; where are you? Part 2 (505-2)
The Death Star and the ultimate vulnerability (105)
Osnovna Java
What's new in Quarkus' gRPC? (411)
Aleš Justin - Red Hat inc.
Why some teams solve vulnerabilities faster than others? (304)
Alen Kosanović - Infobip Ltd.
Why You Want to Code With Quarkus in 2023 Part 1 (409-1)
Why You Want to Code With Quarkus in 2023 Part 2 (409-2)
Zašto je važno cijeniti "legacy" kod (K02)
Ivo Lukač - Netgen
Zatvaranje konferencije i podjela nagrada (K05)
Trajanje: 30'
Konferenciju organiziraju Hrvatska udruga Oracle korisnika i Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika.