High Availability, Software and People Factors.


Best Practicies & Success Stories

Datum i vrijeme

utorak, 17. listopad 2023., 12:50


Dvorana C



Sofware-deployment, scalabiilty and “availability” are easier now than ever.With automated pipelines to test and deploy, and with near-unlimited" resources now available to IT departments (cloud, Iaas, SaaS, Raas - Resource as a service...) it is easier than ever to build and deploy systems. But with increasing speed, we risk losing some “quality”.We will take some inspiration from “real engineering” in the non-software world. And a key message of this presentation is also based on discussion with an ambulance-crew.The audience will get three practical tips for their Dev/Ops work,and will be challenged to look at the role they fulfill in a their team.

Detalji o predavanju

Razina težine: Općenito
Grupa aktivnosti: Best Practicies & Success Stories

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