Igor Karuza IGEA d.o.o.

Fifteen years of experience in application development, database design and information systems architecture. Responsible for the complete development of the GDi Localis product group, technical consulting and project management of implementation of application solutions for users, mostly from local government, but also from other infrastructure, telecom, etc.A year of intensive work on the development of new functionalities and the upgrade of the existing internal product for the price calculation (Billing) in the company Infobip. A big challenge is to work with your team to deal with a large number of requests (transactions) per second (sometimes more than 10,000), a distributed system all over the world (Data Centers), as well as a large number of different requests for billing various forms of services by internal users (Sales, AM, CSM).More than three years of experience in the development of geoinformation systems using the in-house solution IGEO (geoinformation platform).



The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users & Croatian Java Users Association. 

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