The Well-Gardened Code - practicing the Art of Refactoring


Technologies & Solutions

Date and time

Monday, 16. October 2023., 11:00


Hall C



As the famous quote says, change is the only constant in software development.Although it's often compared with construction, Software development requires a different approach, as it cannot be executed with the same degree of detailed planning and predictability. It is more like gardening, more organic than concrete. Neglecting existing code while adding new functionality can eventually lead to tangled and unmaintainable systems. The same goes for gardening. Taking care of plants and codebase can be simple when we know what to look for. We will go through the most important concepts of continuous improvement, which will help us restore the good design of our applications in a disciplined manner.Instead of treating refactoring as a separate, isolated activity, we will see why it should be an integral part of the development process.

Lecture details

Level of difficulty: Detailed
Desirable listeners function: Software Developer or Architect
Group of activity: Technologies & Solutions

About speaker


The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users & Croatian Java Users Association. 

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