A fun and absurd introduction to Vector Databases


Technologies & Solutions

Date and time

Tuesday, 17. October 2023., 12:50


Hall A



Vector databases have emerged as an exciting new tech in the world of data storage. Unsurprisingly enough, they have become the go-to choice for storing vectors (who would have thought?!) and are widely used in conjunction with generative AI. Apart from their use in AI applications, they can also be extremely handy as search engines, especially if you are looking to implement natural language interfaces. If you're reading this and eager to harness the power of vector databases to bring your application to the next level, then this talk is tailor-made for you!Whether you're an experienced database professional or an adventurous developer seeking fresh perspectives, Alexander will guide you through the process of getting started with a Vector Database. He will demonstrate how to translate your data into vectors and master the art of querying that data. From text search to image search to generative search, Alexander's goal is to provide an engaging introduction to Vector Databases and, hopefully, inspire you to explore their full potential.

Lecture details

Level of difficulty: Detailed
Desirable listeners function: Software Developer or Architect
Group of activity: Technologies & Solutions

About speaker


The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users & Croatian Java Users Association. 

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